About ISMD


The ISMD is a global nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of persons with Maladaptive Daydreaming (MD) through public and professional education, raising awareness, community engagement and advocacy, supporting pioneering research, and promoting innovative therapies through professional collaboration.

Working together to improve the lives of persons with Maladaptive Daydreaming

Explore the International Society for Maladaptive Daydreaming


The ISMD and its volunteers strive to embody the following values at the core of its mission:


Bridging professional and public communication and involvement, helping to disseminate professional knowledge to the public and to mental health professionals. Creating collaborative bridges between ISMD and other mental health organizations, with the aim of MD advocacy

Commitment to Diversity and Equity

Inclusion of members and volunteers from diverse backgrounds, and translation of resources for the benefit of the global community, including developing economies which may have more limited access to local mental health services


Treatment of its members and its audience with respect and equality. We value the different perspectives of our members and colleagues and strive to show that their contributions and expertise matter


Speaking scientific truth about the validity of maladaptive daydreaming and the need of sufferers for better assessment and treatments for their condition

Voluntary Service

The ISMD is a voluntary non-profit organization not prompted in any manner by desire for gain



  • To provide understandable and accessible resources for persons with maladaptive daydreaming

  • To enhance collaboration and communication between researchers, clinicians, and persons with present or past maladaptive daydreaming

  • To increase global, community, and scientific awareness of maladaptive daydreaming

  • To advocate for the inclusion of maladaptive daydreaming in formal psychiatric diagnostic manuals

  • To promote research efforts and innovative therapies focused on maladaptive daydreaming


ISMD is run by a board.